The computer on Star & Comet's spaceship is processing all this new information about the state, but there is soooo much that it overloads! All of the SYMBOLS for the state have gotten SCRAMBLED up in the computer! Help Star & Comet UNSCRAMBLE these symbols. Once the Descrambler Machine drops down, you will see many different icons and symbols appear and begin floating in space. Look in the bottom window for the CLUE to find the symbol you need to catch. Hold the mouse down and DRAG the correct symbol over the Descrambler Machine. The computer will now suck the symbol into the machine so that it can process it, and print out its data into the large screen that drops down from above. Read all about these UNIQUE state symbols, clicking on the GREEN arrows each time one appears to show more data or go back to the previous screen. When the computer has shown you all the data it has about the symbol, CLICK in the bottom window or on the DONE button to return to the Descrambler Machine to capture another SYMBOL. Each time the computer will ask for a different symbol. Continue until ALL the state symbols have been processed and are no longer floating around the screen. Once you have completed capturing ALL the SYMBOLS, you will have helped Star & Comet learn all about the UNIQUE things that represent your STATE!!